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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Different Kind of Cock-Blocking

So it seems this whole bird flu thing is having an ill-effect on the "sport" of cockfighting in Thailand.

For a while they banned the activity, which is a crime because really, there's nothing more sporting that a couple of roosters pecking at eachother til one of them dies in a pool of its own chicken blood. I just can't believe its not an Olympic event yet. I'm sure it beats that boring cross-country skiing shit.

Still, surprisingly enough it really is a 'sport'. I mean, cocks have their own trainers...who are even willing to suck cock...or I should say, go mouth-to-mouth with chickens in order to suck blood and mucous from the birds when things go bad in the 9th round (and you thought stitching up Rocky's eyegash was ugly).

And all this is for the purposes of a few dollars gambling in a dark alley.

Tell me, has anyone shown these people a pair of dice?

It's one hell of a tool for the same results and no one (or chicken) gets hurt.

The worse thing that happens is maybe a mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Just tryin' to help out.