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According to the Los Angeles Times, there are a bunch of online entertainment betting sites popping up on Ye Ole Interweb. Because of that, it seems that the weekend box-office race is no longer just a measure of how well a movie opens, but it shows us just how freaking horny we are to practically bet on anything.
Apparently it works like this on the website: They set an estimated target for the earnings of an opening film and you bet against it. For example, for The Break-Up, lets say they set $30 million as its estimated take. Since the film came in at $38 million last weekend, anyone who bet that the take would be over $30 million would be a winner.
Well, unless you went and saw the movie that is. The real losers were those poor saps who shelled out their hard-earned green to make this unfunny moneygrab $38 million bucks.
Another sports betting site called World Sports Exchange has reported that betting on movies has jumped 26 percent over the last year. Wow. Who knew betting on films could be sooo (yawn) fun?
But why stop there? You can also bet on the nuptials of celebrity couples. Yep, so if you really believe in the true and beautiful union that is Hilary Duff and rock star Joel Madden, then I dont recommend you go to They only give the young pair 15 to 1 odds (come on BetUs, you cannot put odds on love!!! Wait. Isn't that a Bon Jovi lyric? Well, it should be).
And then ofcourse online gaming has also had other such necessary bets like "will George Clooney run for president"? Or "who will be the next celebrity to admit to being illiterate"? Honestly, I wish I were making this up.
Now, with all of that in mind, let me ask you a question: does anyone just WATCH movies anymore?
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