Things I Really Should Do (But Probably Won't):
Sell my car.
Get a dog.
Get religious.
Sign up for Big Brothers.
Learn Japanese.
At least, try escargot.
Watch a Harry Potter movie.
Read a Harry Potter book.
Earn a lot of money.
Never lie again.
Stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
Buy an iPod.
Take more photos.
Plan a vacation.
Stop procrastinating.
Commit to a relationship.
Defrost my freezer.
Ask the cute girl in the office out.
Ask for a raise.
Tell someone at the phone company to "suck my cock".
Talk to children more.
Drink less coffee.
Throw that strange jar of "something" in the back of my fridge out.
Keep a journal.
Write my memoirs.
Take my car in for an oil change.
Watch less TV.
Stop talking, more action.
Set a deadline.
Meet my deadline.
Get a massage.
Exercise more.
Plant a tree.
Floss more often.
Get professional help.
Sit up straight.
Sleep in.
Buy more.
Buy less.
Be honest with myself.
Basically, figure my shit out.
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