"I can't understand why more people haven't added you as a favorite. You are one rad fucker!" -- uridium15, diaryland

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

High School Memories #41

In high school, me and my friends started a club called the "Danger Club". It was kinda ironic, because really we didn't do anything overly dangerous. Basically, it was a group of dudes who would try to kill boring lunch hours by thinking up and performing ridiculous stunts.

Our main stunt of choice seemed to be "table climbing", a simple activity where you would lie face down on top of a wobbly old plywood table. Then someone with a stopwatch would time you as you climbed all the way around, 360 degrees, without touching the floor.

Sometimes we would get 2 tables together and race eachother while others cheered as spectators. The fastest person to do it would be named the 'winner'.

Now when I look back fondly on those times, I wonder...

...why couldn't we just eat our lunch and smoke hash in the parking lot like normal kids?