This Stone Won't Go Unturned
Hey! Have ya heard? Sharon Stone has revealed she wants to make a third Basic Instinct movie, and she wants to direct it.
WOW. Talk about an eternal optimist.
Sharon Stone is like Hollywood's answer to the Black Knight from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', isn't she?
"What?! Basic Instinct 2 was a big bomb at the box office?! Ahhhh, just a flesh wound!"
Ya know, ever since she showed us "her stuff" in Basic Instink back in 1992, Sharon Stone has had more misses than Marty Feldman tossing free-throws from centre-court after downing an entire bottle of Nyquil.
Just think - Sliver, Diabolique, Catwoman....and these are her most recognizable films!
Well, I must say, in spite of this, I admire Sharon Stone's tenacity (or is it blind ignorance). After all, it takes a lot of mettle to drop a huge stinker on Hollywood and then immediately follow it up by announcing on plans to drop another. Hey, even my father usually changes the subject after he drops a bomb at the dinner table.
So you go Miss Stone, direct your Basic Instinct 3 and show us what you got.
Heaven knows, you've shown us everything else you got already.
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