NewsBrief: Are You Fucking Kidding Me?
I just read this truly inane piece of disappointing news on the web:
The nation's 90,000 flight attendants are urging that the film Flightplan be shunned at theaters. The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) and two sister unions which represent most of the attendants, have expressed anger over the depiction of a flight attendant and a U.S. air marshal in the movie as terrorists and other flight attendants as "rude, unhelpful and uncaring."
Can someone just please explain to atleast 1 of the 90,000 that there's no golden brick road or Freddy Krueger either. It's a fucking movie, alright! Lighten up Wings, I think you're Delta-issued neckerchief is a little too tight. Now, how about shutting the hell up and just getting me some more Bretzels? Y'know, if it doesn't inconvenience you from your regular duty of avoiding and/or looking down your nose at the passengers on the plane who pay for your salary anyway. I wouldn't want you to feel "unhelpful".
Also in the news:
Some 350 experts met up this week at the annual World Toilet Summit in Belfast to discuss such pressing subjects as anti-social behavior in rest-rooms, portable toilets, and facilities for the blind.
That’s great.
Can we do anything about the smell?
Meeting adjourned.