"I can't understand why more people haven't added you as a favorite. You are one rad fucker!" -- uridium15, diaryland

Friday, October 28, 2005

I Like My Chances...

People can be really annoying sometimes. Ever have one of those days where you just feel like being left alone. You just kind of wish people would just not talk to you and leave you to yourself. Well, I’m having one of those days. Here’s a quick list of people I really don’t need to bump into today:

A dude with a tooth growing out the side of his cheek.

Richard Simmons on ecstasy.

Commander Phlegmmy and the Trio of Sweaty Guys.

A fat Chinese dude with curly blonde hair speaking Arabic.

Anybody named “Doug”.

People dressed in Halloween costumes of inanimate objects like ‘boxes of detergent’. Not funny.

Any man with a camel toe.

Co-workers I barely know but say “how’s it going” each and everytime I pass them in the office.

A mass of people carrying burning effigies and broken bottles chanting "Death to Saucy Monk".

The Blue Man Group.